The meaning of the four states

The characteristics of the four states can be described for this subject area as follows:

dependent – For individual HSE tasks, decentralized approaches for digitization have been introduced, such as carrying out accident investigations and recording and evaluating of KPIs
independent – A centrally controlled IT tool for the collection and use of HSE data has been implemented. Only a defined group of employees / supervisors has access to the IT tool and use of the data. The IT tool has not yet been tailored to the company’s requirements
interdependent – The centralized IT tool is tailored to the needs of all employees, easy to use including the use of mobile apps, and leads to a simplification of internal procedures and processes (reporting of observations, conducting inspections and safety walks, subcontractor management, KPI reporting, action tracking, information sharing)
reactive – There is no systematic approach for the digitization of HSE data in the company


The four stages of Safety Culture

20 dimensions that significantly influencing the companies’ safety culture

Carrying out a Safety Culture State Review Survey